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What No-One Tells You About Building Workplace Community

Group of three meercats representing a community and being stronger together.

Stronger Together

The hidden truth about building community at work is that it’s not about grand gestures or expensive initiatives, it’s about consistency. While holiday parties and team retreats are great, they’re often one-off events that don’t create lasting impact. What truly makes a difference is embedding community into the everyday fabric of work life.

Here’s the unconventional wisdom HR and business leaders need to know:

  1. Community Starts with Leadership

    • Leaders set the tone, but not just through speeches or vision statements. It’s in how they listen, connect, and show up for their teams daily. For example, hosting monthly “Ask Me Anything” sessions or personally acknowledging team contributions can build trust and connection over time.

  2. Psychological Safety is the Foundation

    • Before you can have a true sense of community, employees need to feel safe to express their ideas, ask questions, and share concerns without fear of judgment. This requires a culture of openness and mutual respect, not just surface-level camaraderie.

  3. Small, Intentional Actions Matter More Than You Think …….